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3dsMax 2014 + fbx (Vray)
60.34 MB
pvc, door, loggia, glass, balcony, a pen, window sill, balcony door, panoramic windows
A set of plastic windows and doors of 8 colors, 24 versions of windows and doors. The drilldown model is suitable for close-ups and 4K renderers.
The model was created in 3ds Max 2014. The renderer uses Vray 3.2 and corona 1.3

- All colors are replaced without additional settings.
- The model has the original size.
- The model opens without errors.
- The model does not use third-party plug-ins.
File format:
- 3ds Max 14 V-Ray
- 3ds Max 14 corona render
- FBX (Multi Format)
- OBJ (Multi Format)

素材说明:来学习素材网为您提供高品质实用的8中颜色24款PVC孰料窗户和门3D模型,本次主题是8中颜色24款PVC孰料窗户和门3D模型,图片编 号是90i131011,素材尺寸是None,该素材大小是60.34 MB。8中颜色24款PVC孰料窗户和门3D模型是由热心网友dream上传。你可能还对窗户3D 门3D 门窗3D 3DMAX VIP 3DMAXVIP MAX TEX 相关设计素材感兴趣。


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