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3dsMax 2011 + obj (Vray+Corona)
24.93 MB
2017.11.22 16:53
system, pendulum, glazing, panoramic, partition, stremler, closer, fitting, dorma, swinging, matte, castle, constructor
Professional, highly detailed 3d model for architectural visualizations.
Formats in the archive: .MAX2011 .OBJ
Vray, Corona

Glass doors with fittings:
- Turbosmooth collapsed;
- A set of fittings, handles, locks - under the glass 10 mm;
- N types of finished partitions - the amount is limited by your imagination;
- Doors are grouped with fittings
- Rotation around the pivot.

Output curves Falloff maps cannot be exported.
Who works with V-Ray version lower than 3.1, pay attention to materials section BRDF (Microfaset GTR (GGX)), if your version is older than 3.1 - this option will be empty and you have to choose:
Blinn,Ward or Phong, depence on material.

素材说明:来学习素材网为您提供高品质实用的办公家庭移动玻璃门3D模型,本次主题是办公家庭移动玻璃门3D模型,图片编 号是90B101650,素材尺寸是None,该素材大小是33.89 MB。办公家庭移动玻璃门3D模型是由热心网友dream上传。你可能还对玻璃门3D 移动门3D 3DMAX 3DMAXVIP MAX OBJ TEX 相关设计素材感兴趣。


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