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动漫人物角色绘画Clip Studio Paint视频教程

├0 欢迎
│ ├1 - Meet Your Instructor- Nanami!.mp4
│ ├2 - Introduction to the class.mp4
│ ├3 - Introduction to Digital Drawing.mp4
├1 学习如何使用Clip Studio Paint
│ ├1 - Setting up your Canvas.mp4
│ ├2 - Different tools and functions I use on CSP.mp4
│ ├3 - Setting up shortcuts.mp4
├2 规划和寻找灵感
│ ├1 - Using lines and shapes as your guide in sketching.mp4
│ ├2 - Preparing your mood board.mp4
│ ├3 - Tips and tricks for drawing lines.mp4
├3 识别人物素描时的形状和流程
│ ├1 - How to draw the body in simple anime style.mp4
│ ├2 - How to draw the face in different angles.mp4
│ ├3 - How to draw expressions.mp4
│ ├4 - How to draw hair.mp4
├4 学习如何在做线描时控制你的线条
│ ├1 - Choosing the right brush.mp4
│ ├2 - Understanding when to use light and heavy lines.mp4
│ ├3 - How to control your lines.mp4
│ ├4 - How to add depth on your lines.mp4
├5 了解折线的工作原理和如何执行阴影的方法
│ ├1 - Choosing your color palette.mp4
│ ├2 - What brush I use for shading.mp4
│ ├3 - How to draw folds.mp4
│ ├4 - When to blur or blend the shading.mp4
├6 如何对完成的插图进行渲染
│ ├1 - How to find the focus point of your illustration.mp4
│ ├2 - How to use layer modes.mp4
│ ├3 - Understanding tone curve and color balance.mp4
│ ├4 - Adding finishing touches.mp4
├7 我如何找到自己的艺术风格
│ ├1 - Tips on how to find and create your own style.mp4
├8 后记
│ ├1 - Congratulations on completing the class!.mp4
│ ├2 Planning and Finding Inspirations
│ │ ├Class 2-1 refs
│ │ │ ├christian-santizo-N8Q3qj6h6_I-unsplash.jpg
│ │ │ ├christopher-campbell-pmjygZG2zco-unsplash.jpg
│ │ │ ├felix-braas-kouiNO8KsRU-unsplash.jpg
│ │ │ ├jennifer-marquez-8M5KopLGwv4-unsplash.jpg
│ │ │ ├juli-kosolapova-S1rjcny3LoE-unsplash.jpg
│ │ │ ├khaled-ghareeb-p47oVX9qhkA-unsplash.jpg
│ │ │ ├taylor-heery-xDqt68L-2aQ-unsplash.jpg
│ │ ├gesture drawings.png
│ │ ├without and with guide.png
│ ├3 Identifying the Shapes and the Flow when sketching characters
│ │ ├how to draw expressions.png
│ │ ├how to draw eyes.png
│ │ ├how to draw hair.png
│ │ ├how to draw hands.png
│ │ ├how to draw head.png
│ │ ├how to draw male female body facing front.png
│ │ ├how to draw male female body side view.png
│ │ ├how to draw neck area.png
│ │ ├kaleb-becker-2J2uZ0-Hepw-unsplash.jpg
│ │ ├manny-moreno-3FsRkEVPw8g-unsplash.jpg
│ │ ├perchek-industrie-iXspFCVXoaw-unsplash.jpg
│ │ ├side view guide.png
│ ├5 Understanding How Folds Work and How to Execute Shading
│ │ ├ilya-mondryk-MqE3tHPPW6s-unsplash.jpg
│ │ ├tight clothes.png
│ │ ├tshirt.png
│ │ ├using textured brushes.png



素材说明:来学习素材网为您提供高品质实用的动漫人物角色绘画Clip Studio Paint视频教程,本次主题是动漫人物角色绘画Clip Studio Paint视频教程,图片编 号是21K111309,素材尺寸是None,该素材大小是6.51 GB。动漫人物角色绘画Clip Studio Paint视频教程是由热心网友dream上传。你可能还对漫画教程 漫画视频教程 视频教程 VIP 相关设计素材感兴趣。


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