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320个深度贴图,包含.jpg, .png, .tiff, 和.psd格式,适用于任何3D软件,比如Zbrush、Substance Painter等

A complete pack 320 hard surface alphas for ZBrush/Substance painter.The alphas in this pack are a mix of small details and simple large extruded and recessed forms. They’re intended to be used together to quickly detail large flat surfaces and make mechanical detailing quicker and easier.Available for download in .jpg, .png, .tiff, and .psd formats.

百度云提取码:scai  迅雷云提取码:i9di

素材说明:来学习素材网为您提供高品质实用的330个工业化硬面深度贴图素材,本次主题是330个工业化硬面深度贴图素材,图片编 号是21J031021,素材尺寸是2048x2048,该素材大小是299.6 MB。330个工业化硬面深度贴图素材是由热心网友dream上传。你可能还对深度贴图 3D贴图 VIP 相关设计素材感兴趣。


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