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Figure 1.1 presents the classical “golf” dataset, which is bundled with the C4.5 installation. As stated earlier, the goal is to predict whether the weather conditions on a particular day are conducive to playing golf. Recall that some of the features are continuous-valued while others are categorical. Figure 1.2 illustrates the tree induced by C4.5 using Figure 1.1 as training data (and the default options). Let us look at the various choices involved in inducing such trees from the data. What types of tests are possible? As Figure 1.2 shows, C4.5 is not restricted to considering binary tests, and allows tests with two or more outcomes. If the attribute is Boolean, the test induces two branches. If the attribute is categorical, the test is multivalued, but different values can be grouped into a smaller set of options with one class predicted for each option. If the attribute is numerical, then the tests are again binary-valued, and of the form {≤ θ?,>θ?}, where θ is a suitably determined threshold for that attribute. How are tests chosen? C4.5 uses information-theoretic criteria such as gain (reduction in entropy of the class distribution due to applying a test) and gain ratio (a way to correct for the tendency of gain to favor tests with many outcomes). The default criterion is gain ratio. At each point in the tree-growing, the test with the best criteria is greedily chosen. How are test thresholds chosen? As stated earlier, for Boolean and categorical attributes, the test values are simply the different possible instantiations of that attribute. For numerical attributes, the threshold is obtained by sorting on that attribute and choosing the split between successive values that maximize the criteria above. Fayyad and Irani [10] showed that not all successive values need to be considered. For two successive values vi and vi+1 of a continuous-valued ©

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