
     您的位置:来学习素材网 > 设计教程 > Flash


1. Introduction and project overview

2. Examining and preparing our photo

3. Applying a base color to our female subject

4. Blocking in flames on the hair

5. Layering in additional flames

6. Blending flames using layer masks

7. Adding texture for lava like cracks on the skin

8. Adding flames to the body

9. Creating the illusion of radiating heat

10. Painting melting areas of necklace

11. Adding flying sparks

12. Painting floating sparks

13. Painting additional details onto the body

14. Painting additional details onto the flames

15. Final adjustments to our image

素材说明:来学习素材网为您提供高品质实用的PS火焰人像特效制作视频教程中文字幕人人出品,本次主题是PS火焰人像特效制作视频教程中文字幕人人出品,图片编 号是,素材尺寸是Home Page,该素材大小是0 bytes。PS火焰人像特效制作视频教程中文字幕人人出品是由热心网友dream上传。你可能还对相关设计素材感兴趣。


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